In truth, Denver "won" the Super Bowl only because Alan Greenspan wanted it to win. Mr. Greenspan has been worried for quite a spell now that the stock market was too high . . . So, we can exclusively reveal, after huddling with that old Wall Street hand, Robert Rubin, Alan Greenspan decreed (secretly, need we say?) that Denver, an AFC team, beat Green Bay, an NFC team, activating the infallible Super Bowl Indicator and assuring a down year for the market in '98. Think of it: Why else would Green Bay deliberately allow Terrell Davis to walk into the end zone with the winning touchdown?
Alan Abelson in "Sell Everything!" $$ from Barron's (2/2/98) Unsustainable trends tend not to sustain themselves.
Herbert Stein (Source: How to Retire Rich by James O'Shaughnessy) [Surfing the Net is] like the '90s version of throwing a tennis ball against the wall. It frees your mind up.
Rodney Rothman (Staff Writer for the Late Show with David Letterman)
Source: Yahoo! Internet Life (February 1998)
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